Note: Beta versions
contain new features and functions that have not yet been as fully
tested as have Release versions. If you use a Beta, you may find
bugs or problems and you are expected to report them to Ross-Tech
so that we can fix them before making a new Release. Please
be sure that you have also installed
the latest Release
on your computer as well so that you can revert back to using
that if you encounter problems with the Beta.
Beta 15.6.0 included the
following improvements:
Interaction with certain Windows Power Management APIs
Should produce a more relialble experience on newer PCs that take agressive measures
to save power. Thanks to Jason Young for the suggestion.
New CODES.DAT file
Now with almost 21,000 fault code and measuring value texts.
Over 30 new or revised label files.
Fixed UDS session time-out while attempting to retrieve VIN.
Added OS and VM identification to Auto-Scan
Fixed incorrect Freeze-Frame in 2011+ Touareg EPB.
Added Output Tests to open/close 2011+ Touareg EPB for servicing
However the wear-in procedure that's
also needed when replacing the pads has not yet been verified/documented!
We STRONGLY urge you NOT to use this until we do!
New filtering capabilities in
Advanced Measuring Values Very intuitive to use; just type a term in the box in the selection dialog:
Beta 15.6.1 adds:
New UDS dataset
Including compatibility with latest cars and control modules,
as well as some fixes for certain older ones.
Over a dozen new or improved label files.
Support for new UDS addresses
for modules like DC/DC Converter and Rear Axle Steering.
Fixed bugs in UDS Adaptation Search function
and dramatically improved loading speed for modules with thousands of channels.
Added an additional "Custom" Output Test for 7P EPB
to allow "grinding in" process. A video documenting how to do this can be found
Fixed Windows 8.1 version detection issue
caused Microsoft deliberately breaking things in Windows 8.1.
Release Notes:
Works only with Ross-Tech's Intelligent
Default installation location
is C:\Ross-Tech\VCDS-Beta\ If allowed to install to its
default location, it will not overwrite or interfere with the
use of Release 14.10.
Works on Windows XP and newer,
including Windows 8.1 Either 32 or 64 bit versions of
Windows are fully supported. It might still work on Windows
2000 as well, but we no longer consider any version of Windows
older than XP "supported."
The Copyright Notice, Disclaimer,
and Instructions posted on our main
download page apply to this version as well.
The current version is:
Beta 15.6.1
Data Version 20150604
Universal Installer
for all Genuine Ross-Tech intelligent
interfaces and Windows XP or newer.

Digitally signed self-installing
.EXE file ~24 MB