USB Driver Installation Instructions for Windows 98/ME
(For all Ross-Tech USB interfaces with VAG-COM version 702.0 or newer)

Notes:  These instructions are for Windows 98.   Installation under Windows ME should be similar, but not necessarily identical.

  1. Plug your Ross-Tech USB Interface to your PC's USB port (It is not necessary to connect the interface to a car yet).   The Add New Hardware Wizard should appear:

    in this dialog, click [ Next > ].

  2. The Add New Hardware Wizard should give you the following choices:

    in this dialog, select "Search for the best driver for your device" then click
     [ Next > ].

  3. The Add New Hardware Wizard should give you the following choices:

    in this dialog, ensure that only "Specify a location:" is checked, then click the [ Browse... ] button.

  4. A Browse for Folder dialog should appear: 


    In this dialog, please browse to the location where you've installed VAG-COM, typically C:\Ross-Tech\VAG-COM.
    Once you've highlighted the location where you've installed VAG-COM, the [ OK ] button should become enabled.  Click the [ OK ] button.


  5. You will then return to the Add New Hardware Wizard and the specified location will be filled in for you.

    Click the [ Next > ] button.

  6. The following dialog should appear:

    Click the [ Next > ] button.

  7. The following dialog should appear:

    Click the [ Finish ] button.


  8. Start VAG-COM and go to the [ Options ] screen.   
    Select the USB Port. 
    Click the [ Test ] button.
    The results should look like this:

  9. Go test it on a car.  :-)

Note: If you run into problems with this procedure, feel free to Contact us while you are in front of your PC, connected to your vehicle.

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