Online Demo / Manual -
Recode or Long Coding Screen

Corresponds to VAG 1551/1552 function 07
Recode is used to set various options
in a Control Module.
You should refer to the Factory Repair Manual for your
particular car (or some other documented procedure) before attempting to
Recode a Control Module. At the very least, write down the original
values. There is no other way to "undo" or restore the original values
if what you're trying to do doesn't work out.
Some Modules require a valid Login before you can re-code them.
A feature unique to VAG-COM:
You can leave the Work Shop Code
unchanged, or enter any workshop code you desire. Certain other programs
always leave a tell-tale WSC when you re-code a module.
The Importer Number is only relevant
for recoding controllers that use KWP-2000. By default, this will remain
unchanged unless you have set up an Importer Number in the Options screen.
Up to 20 lines of coding chart data can be
included in a Label File. This data is shown in a balloon on the coding
screen (if VAG-COM is fully registered/activated).
VAG-COM can show coding "charts" when appropriate information is
available in a Label File for the control module in question. If there
is a chart, it will pop up as a balloon when you click on the Software
Coding field:

When coding new Airbag Modules in many VW
models, VAG-COM can "Suggest" an appropriate Coding value. This
feature is available only when VAG-COM is used with one of our
Professional Grade interfaces. Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee
that the coding which VAG-COM may suggest will be correct, but
there should be no harm in trying it. If it's not correct, the
control module should simply refuse to accept it and the coding
will remain at 00000.

In cases where VAG-COM would
offer Airbag module coding suggestions but cannot determine
the Index automatically, VAG-COM gives you the ability to
manually enter an Index to get the suggested coding.

Long Coding. This function is needed to
Code some control modules (especially Gateways) in the newest
cars which use CAN for diagnostics. Due to the complexity of Long Coding strings (up to 255
bytes of hexadecimal data) we've accommodated (and urge) the use
of Copy & Paste in this function:
Coding of Slave Modules.
On the latest cars, many "slave" modules are codeable. The
coding screens (both regular and "long") now present a
drop-list of available modules which can be selected for

Battery Coding Assistant
For cars which require a replacement battery to be coded in the
61-Battery Regulation module we have added this function:

Long Coding Helper is used with
applications such as Niels Ezerman's excellent LCode.exe
(included with this distribution of VAG-COM):

Use the
[Transfer Coding] button
to send the coding from LCode to the New coding section of the Long
Coding Screen,
Use the
[Do It!] button in to save the
new Soft Coding to the controller and return to the Open Controller
Function screen.
Use the
[Cancel] button to return to
the Open Controller Function screen without saving.
Shareware Limitation(s):
Online Demo / Manual -
Recode or Long Coding Screen |