Advanced Measuring Blocks
Function. Lets you select up to 12 measuring values from as many as 12 different groups from a selection
dialog that shows the contents of the measuring values. This function is available only when a
label file exists for the control module being accessed.

Note: The screen shot has been resized to fit this page. Although this
function can be used at 640x480,
a somewhat higher screen-resolution is better.
Freeze-Frame Data shown In-Line.
On newer control modules where Freeze-Frame data is available in the native VAG protocols, it's shown in-line with
the DTCs -- both on the regular DTC screen and in the Auto-Scan results. In either case, this feature can be
toggled off with a check box.

DTCs indicate whether the MIL
(Malfunction Indicator Lamp) is on as a result of this DTC. On newer control modules where this
information is available, VAG-COM will show whether a DTC has caused the MIL to be on.

Automatic Detection of Installed
Modules in Auto-Scan. On newer cars which have a fully CAN-based diagnostic system, VAG-COM can
automatically determine which modules are installed in a particular car and perform an Auto-Scan of exactly those
modules. This can make the Auto-Scan considerably faster.

Auto-Scan includes Hardware
Part Numbers. On newer control modules which have different Hardware and Software part numbers,
Auto-Scan now includes the Hardware Part Number. See screen-shot above.
Supported Codes function.
On the latest control modules which have this capability, VAG-COM can show all DTC and Failure Mode combinations
which a control module is capable of detecting, including the current status of each.

EDC-15+ Mileage.
On some (but by no means all) TDI ECUs, VAG-COM can show an independent "odometer" reading stored in the ECU.
This can useful as a means of cross-checking the mileage on used car at time of purchase, particularly in Europe where
odometer fraud is rampant. We plan to extend this functionality to as many ECUs as practical in the
future. Access this function from the Applications screen.

Automatic Acceleration
Measurements -- Performance Calculator. 0 to 60, 1/4 mile, etc.
Run Measuring blocks, find a group with road speed in km/h, click the [Acceleration] button, click the [Start] button.
Data can be saved for additional analysis as well. Access this function by going to measuring
blocks and finding a group with vehicle speed in km/h -- an [Acceleration] button will appear. For other
brands of cars, it's also available in generic OBD-II, use Mode 1 and select PID 13.

Regular and Long Coding functions
combined into one screen. This obsoletes the need for an annoying "Regular or Long" coding selection
dialog when coding Master/Slave groups that use both types of coding.
New version 1.9 VAG-Scope
compatible with Advanced Measuring Blocks. Due to changes in format of the data, this version of
VAG-Scope is not backwards compatible with older versions of VAG-COM, nor can older versions of VAG-Scope be used with
this version of VAG-COM.
New version 1.4 TDI-Graph
compatible with V6 TDIs.
Support for separate labels for
Basic Settings. Useful on control modules where a particular group has completely different data when in
Basic Settings than in Measuring Blocks where there was no way to show the correct descriptions for the data in Basic
New Measuring Block Formulas.
For compatibility with the latest control modules.
New Control Module Addresses.
For compatibility with new car models being introduced.
Updated Label Files.
Continuing our quest to document stuff which VW no longer does.
Compatible with all the latest
models. VW Eos, Audi Q7, new Allroad, etc.
Generic OBD-II now includes Info
Types 08 and 0A in Mode 9.
New, more informative Installer.
Produces a slightly smaller download.